Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, menjunjung bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.
Kenapa ada teks Sumpah Pemuda di entry gua kali ini?
Well jadi, waktu tanggal 28 November 2012 kemarin gua dan rombongan OBSCURA tercinta #eaaa -_- ke Car Free Day di Bunderan HI wohoo!!!
dan YOEEH BENER SEKALE! 28 November itu Hari Sumpah Pemuda!! WOHOO!!!
my thoughts bout it? dayuummm mann.... gua jadi sadar seberapa penting nya peran pemuda pemudi Indonesia dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia... sebenernya kalo diitung-itung kita emang udh memproklamirkan persatuan pas tanggal 28 November 1928 itu.... kalo ga ada semangat sumpah pemuda yang mendasari keinginan Bangsa Indonesia untuk merdeka kemungkinan besar kita ga bakalan merdeka...
Sumpah pemuda ga perlu cuma diapalin, harus dimaknai artinya....
namanya juga sumpah, sumpah itu janji ini janji lu buat negeri dan bangsa lu....
jaman sekarang penjajahan bukan lagi adegan angkat senjata sama adu bambu runcing, sekarang ini lebih ke adu budaya inget budaya bukan buaya serangan budaya luar ngabisin budaya negeri sendiri, sebenernya kalau kita bisa bijak, gak semua budaya luar yang bebas itu masuk ke negeri kita. but hell no! it was too late~ pemerintah yang paling punya hak buat ngatur-ngatur izin masuknya sesuatu (ex: film, produk, makanan) dari luar ke INA malah ngejadiin ini sebagai ladang bisnis dia... lu liat aja deh di bioskop, banyakan jadwal tayang mana film Indonesia sama film luar? jangan salahin sutradara sutradara indonesia yang bikin film ga mutu. indonesia juga punya film2 yang patut dibanggain... jangan dulu anggap film indonesia bergenre porn horror semua -___-.... kalau film Indonesia dikasih jam tayang lebih banyak pasti bakal banyak yang nonton kan/ dan kesempatan anak bangsa buat berkarya juga makin tinggi...
kita emang ga mungkin bisa ngeblokir budaya luar buat masuk ke Indonesia it's really impossible dude... Indonesia bukan bangsa anti social kan? jadi kita musti kudu wajib memilih budaya budaya yang masuk ke Indonesia itu.... and be original jangan mau lagi bangsa ini dibilang bangsa copycat.....
dan ini beberapa foto dari CFD kemarin, I'm still a newbie please give me feedbacks of my shots everyone :''3
So basically this is just a summary of my favorite MVs with interesting plots and twists
but really guys you must watch these MVs they're super cool!!!
The videos here are not in any particular order~
1. Sandara Park - Kiss
What I love about this video is there's Lee Min Ho it has twist!!! it's not your cliche love story MV but it's about GIRLS POWER lol when Dara's throw all the expensive bags, shoes, dresses wow Dara you're so cool but you're too cute to be that evil :'3, and beside Dara's and Minho's acting are superb here and they should date for real!!!
2. Taeyang - Wedding Dress
THIS MV JUST THE MOST HEARTBREAKING AAAA I super hate the man who get to marry the girl and Taeyang just get friendzoned by the exactly same girl he has crush with and just end up being the piano player at her wedding T^T
3. Juniel - Illa Illa
Because I don't expect a twist like that and my heart can't hold it the feels... YOU GUYS LIKE EACH OTHER AND MINHYUK WHY YOU JUST LEAVE LIKE THAT AAAA SHE'S DEAF THAT'S WHY SHE DOESN'T ANSWER YOUR QUESTION!!!! aaaaaaa
4. MBLAQ - It's War
Because the girl is a freaking bitch I want to kill her Lee Joon is so damn awesome and his dying scene is so heartbreaking T^T
5. Bigbang - Haru Haru
this is a classic but definitely the most deep MV in kpop history... No one can beat this mv EVER :'''''''' AAA EVERYTHING IS SO PERFECT GD and TOP's acting :'3
6. FT.Island - Severely
Because I love everything related to time travel and well this is classic but hiks I don't want Hongki to be dead just like that
7. Ailee - Heaven
Because love doesn't always mean to have each other, if he/she is already with someone else just let go and let him/her happy.... I LOVE YOU LONG HAIRED MAN!!! AND KIKWANG!! AND AILEE!!
8. Nell - The Day Before
BECAUSE THIS MV IS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL AND HEARTBREAKING AT THE SAME TIME AND SUICIDE IS NOT A REASON TO ESCAPE :'( please note that this is not about a gay couple -_- The lyrics, the melody, the mv, OMG it just full of symbolic things.... MUST WATCH!!
9. K. WIll - Please Don't
Seriously, I was very shocked when I watched this video OMG I DINDN'T EXPECT THE ENDING TO BE LIKE THAT!!! I.... just.... I don't.... T^T this is really weird and lol but sad at the same time -_- SEO IN KOOK LOL YOU'RE SWINGING THAT WAY HUH?
what makes people like kpop? and what makes people hate kpop? well this is just my opinion, no hurt feeling bros and siss
firstly, the plastic surgery issues, I wince everytime I hear about this, this is just too common and too ironic... my non kpop friends said all of Korean artists were made of plastic!!! it was just so wrong!! why the hell they change their facial features just to gain famous!?!?! they're not natural!! they're like some freaking barbie dolls in the rack of toy stores!! they will go to hell!! their lives are miserable!!! their faces will melt anytime soon!! etc etc etc
yeah I know that, but overall, plastic surgery has become like a norm in Korea, the bigger eyes, softer cheek bones, double eye lids, sharper nose, v-line face, those are the definition of pretty there. The prettier you are, the successful you'll be, their obsession of getting perfect... maybe that's what set on their minds, . It has become their culture, their specification of social life. Maybe in Indonesia and other eastern countries Plastic Surgery still become a taboo thing to do but in Korea, who knows...? *sigh*
there are some people that maybe will comprehend with their choice of life but there are also people who will hate their guts till die... Not all kpop fans agree with the PS things included me...
and secondly, the gayness in Kpop that made all of my friends sick.... yeah who the hell won't get sick if you look at a group of boys use guyliners, and wears what supposed to be a female clothing (*cough*JYP*cough*lol) and the korean boys looks too pretty than most of females just look at heechul, kevin, sungjong, taemin etc etc.
They said k-pop are gay but hey, they're stars what's wrong about wearing eyeliners? and the choices of clothes are set by their stylist (so blame the stylist nuna! lol)....
they're aware if they're pretty they know it if they're hot, handsome, gorgeous etc. So they act like that! They have that kind of confidence and arrogance mixed with the right materials of clothing. the Koreans especially the stars love to look to mirrors and have make up (just see how many Korean make up brands : Face Shop, Etude House, Tony Moly, Innisfree, Holika Holika, Skin Food etc)
SHINee -etude
EXO-K - Face shop
SNSD Yoona - Innisfree
yeah and you know what? I've got several mental shocks when I saw Taemin's teaser photos from sherlock because seriously it was prettier than me!! I got a pang of jealousy over a boy because he's prettier than me!!!! (that kid seriously can be a hot girl -_-). but they're not gay I mean, Korea as far as I know is one of the anti-gay country... Just take example at what Jay Park did, what he wrote in his personal myspace long time ago that Korean is gay and BAM! he's out from 2pm~ he got bashed everywhere especially from his own people the Koreans
Taemin T^T thanks god you've cut your hair
but there's a thing that called FANSERVICE in this kpop world, what's a fanservice? it's just... what Taemin and Jonghyun did in their last SWC concert and what Heechul did to many of his band mates... yeah it confuse me because I though Korean is anti gay but all of these pororo games and fanservice are everywhere... maybe because those are for their fans, there are some fans who love to see their idols do bromance and stuffs like that and maybe it will raise their popularity -__-
the appearance factor not always be the number one factor for me, just take a look at Gangnam Style... is PSY ahjussi a flower boy lol? no he's not a flower boy but he can take over the K-wave all over the world rite?
Maybe there's something called variety shows that make Kpop Idols more popular and not boring.... it showcase their comedic side we can also see their everyday life, what's they're like off stage and it's really entertaining.... even my non Kpop friends love to watch running man sometimes... and there's still a bunch of another Korean Variety Shows out there....
I must give my salute to the company/management of Korean artists. they're are really smart... they always make the best album package + pages and pages of photobook and also big poster + random photocards with artist's autograph so that's worth the price phewww what a service.....
And also the Kpop idols must struggle first before they finally make it to debut with a group or going solo they'll have years and years of intense training.... INFINITE has 18 hours of dance practice for each day of their life..... :'
These fanbases just full of crazy delusional teenage girls
Well I don't really know what other things that made me tumble upon Kpop lol... it's indescribable really like a saying Is there any specific reason to like something? I like it I'm happy case closed ^^
but please don't bash anyone, we have something that we like you have it too!! just keep supporting each other!!! we don't need any internet war (jongtae anyone lol) here...! love yaa
Wow it has been ages since the last time I write here phew~ enggg,,,,
yah sudahlah yah karena gua cinta Indonesia pake bahasa Indonesia ajalah ya -_- Jadi!! jengg jengg di waktu liburan yang sangat berharga ini, selama 15 tahun gua hidup beneran deh liburan kali ini berasa surga banget!! (HIGHSCHOOL LIFE IS TOUGH BRO...)
Gua pergi ke Makassar!!! WOHOOOOOO~~~ *dance dance*
yahh karena gua ngerasa blog ini udah karatan dan ga pernah gua urusin yahh jadiii gua pamer pamer foto sama cerita-cerita gua disana aja kali yaaaa nyiahaha *evil laugh*
Sebenernya ada dua tempat rekreasi yang gua datengin di Makassar yang pertama yaitu adalaaaah Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung! Taman Nasional ini terkenal sama kupu - kupunya tapi pas gua dateng kupu - kupunya lagi kaga ada -_- yah ga tau deh kenapa mungkin mereka takut gua makan.....
ehm back to topic....
Kata seorang narasumber yang gua temui, Bantimurung itu artinya mengusir kemurungan wahaha yah jadi setelah kita ke sana jomblo - jomblo yang pada ngegalau mungkin menemukan soulmatenya.... well ga tau juga sih bener apa enggak nya ya *innocent face*... yahh pokoknya kita merasa terhibur sama pemandangan dan keindahan Bantimurung itu!! wohoo emang bagus banget!! adem jugaa terus ada goa nya jugaa.. yahh ini foto-foto gua selama berada disana ga banyak banget sih soalnya gua udah dateng kesana sore-sore jadi udh agak gelap T^T
dan ini yah ade gua gua foto hasilnya dan gua putuskan untuk membuatnya menjadi jenggg jengg seperti iniii -_- "Yumna The Explorer" LOL wahaha yasudahlah walaupun ancur tapi anehnya adek gua seneng -_- wellyour big sis is so damn awesome rite kiddo? B-)
random boys, *no comment* nanti gua dikira pedo moto anak orang ga pake baju -_-
And those are the pictures from Bantimurung !!
Terus gua pergi ke Pulau Samalona, pulau ini jaraknya kira-kira 2km buat ke sana kita bisa nyewa speedboat harga sewanya RP 250.000 - Rp 300. 000 sekali jalan tergantung nawarnya gimana -_- yahh pokoknya setelah dapet speedboat gua dan sanak keluarga langsung berlayar (?) ga nyampe setengah jam kita udh nyampe dan asli pemandangan di Pulau Samalona bagus gilaaaaakkk !!!! pantainya pasir putih lautnya jernih banget bisa ngeliat ke dasarnya booo'!!!!
yeah this is me with a really awkward pose yah tapi lautnya bagus gua upload aja lah ya -_-
this my mom!! wahaha ma, nyari apaan? -_-
My sis got a bunch of pretty pictures with her in it -_-a
err... yah ini bokap gua dan gua juga ga tau beliau nunjuk apa waktu itu IT'S STILL A MYSTERY!!!! -_-a
wahaha okedeh kayanya cukup ini aja postingan yg gua tulis buat ngehias blog usang ini -_- wahaha semoga makin cerah ceria deh yaa ;'D